Thibaut Benjamin ; Ioannis Markakis ; Chiara Sarti - CaTT contexts are finite computads

entics:14675 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science, December 11, 2024, Volume 4 - Proceedings of MFPS XL -
CaTT contexts are finite computadsArticle

Authors: Thibaut Benjamin ORCID; Ioannis Markakis ORCID; Chiara Sarti ORCID

    Two novel descriptions of weak {\omega}-categories have been recently proposed, using type-theoretic ideas. The first one is the dependent type theory CaTT whose models are {\omega}-categories. The second is a recursive description of a category of computads together with an adjunction to globular sets, such that the algebras for the induced monad are again {\omega}-categories. We compare the two descriptions by showing that there exits a fully faithful morphism of categories with families from the syntactic category of CaTT to the opposite of the category of computads, which gives an equivalence on the subcategory of finite computads. We derive a more direct connection between the category of models of CaTT and the category of algebras for the monad on globular sets, induced by the adjunction with computads.

    Volume: Volume 4 - Proceedings of MFPS XL
    Published on: December 11, 2024
    Accepted on: November 7, 2024
    Submitted on: November 5, 2024
    Keywords: Mathematics - Category Theory,Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,18N65, 18N10, 18N30,F.4.1,I.2.3

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